A Private Love Conversation?

One part of the manuscript has been comparatively well researched: The Königsteiner Liederbuch. It is a collection of 169 songs, some transmitted with the music. Between the songs we find some references to real life persons:
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

Berlin, SBB-PK, Ms.germ.qu. 719, fol. 128v

heinrich graff
zu wirtemberg
Gedencke an mich als ich an dich
Nit mere beger ich
(‘Heinrich count of Württemberg, remember me as I remember you; this is all I desire.’)
Together with the initials written between the songs one gets the impression that besides the songs themselves, there is also a very private love conversation going on on these pages – or, at least, that the remnants of a private conversation are preserved as a collateral effect of copying the manuscript.
Go back to the overview of all texts contained in the manuscript.